So I purchased 3 lbs of ground turkey for $6.99 and made 3 different turkey dishes over the course of one week. Yes, I made 3 and have decided only to show you 2 because one of them is camera-shy. Fine, I'll be honest ... she wasn't too photogenic, ok? lol
The first dish is based on a recipe from Steamy Kitchen for
Taiwanese Pork Noodles. Mine didn't come out as beautiful as hers, with the needed colorful garnishes, but I have to say, the recipe was amazing! I would've never thought 2 teeny weeny star anise, or star-anus as I like to call it, would make such a huge difference in flavor. It didn't require much time either, which is fantabulous for a long day from work. This recipe is a must-keep, thanks Jadyn!

The second dish is one that we're all familiar with - lasagna! The only
difference with mine is that it was made with a crock pot rather than
an oven ... since we do not have an oven here! Truthfully, lasagna
straight out of the oven tastes better than one made with a slow
cooker ... but you have to work with what you got right? The recipe for
crock pot lasagna is just like any other recipe for lasagna. Needless
to say, the only exception is that everything goes into your crock pot
rather than a lasagna pan. Because crock pots are usually round in
shape, it is also necessary to break your lasagna noodles so that they
fit into the pot. Set it at low, then forget it for 4 hours! It came out looking like crap, but I was satisfied!